What’s New

June 2024

What’s new

  • Backups are performed every 8 hours now

May 2024

What’s new

  • Backups are now performed every hour, instead of once every 24 hours as before

April 2024

What’s new

  • Time tracking on app startup (when enabled) is now being assigned to the last selected project

What’s fixed

  • Fixed a bug that caused timesheet manual entries spawning overlapping entries

March 2024

What’s fixed

  • Minor translation fixes

February 2024

What’s new

  • We have added and experimental French language support
  • Optimized the app and reports
  • Added error monitoring

What’s fixed

  • Adjusted time display for noon and midnight for 12-hour clocks
  • Fixed safe area offsets on newer iPhones to avoid the bottom bar being covered by the system UI
  • Regular updates and performance improvements
  • Improved error display to help with remote issue resolution

January 2024

What’s fixed

December 2023

What’s fixed

  • Upcoming activities are now excluded from the default recent project selection for new activities

November 2023

What’s new

  • The last selected project is now selected by default when time tracking is started
  • Added a welcome banner on demo accounts 👋

What’s fixed

  • Fixed formatting in Excel exports for duration cells exceeding 24 hours
  • Fixed wrong date displays and date range picker behavior on various time zones negative to UTC
  • Adjusted some printing styles to make custom and summary reports printable
  • Fixed "Up to today" selection of dates for reports
  • Fixed wrong duration display on the activity start form
  • Forced reports update when navigating to their pages to ensure the data is up-to-date and fresh

October 2023

What’s new

  • Reports are no longer recomputed live by default. They are computed once you view them and you can refresh them on demand. The live mode is still there as a switch that can be enabled to bring the live refresh back.

What’s fixed

  • Mitigated security vulnerability after receiving responsible disclosure from Tushar Bhardwaj (@silentbronco)
  • Fixed layout issues on Safari that made clicks and mouse pointers target the wrong elements
  • Unwanted blueish texts are no longer there on Firefox

March 2023

What’s new

  • New activity grouping for reports to allow data to be grouped per each entry

January 2023

What’s new

  • Sign in with Yahoo

What’s fixed

  • Date picker display improvements

December 2022

What’s new

  • No user limit anymore
  • Summary report available
  • Improved date range selection in reports

October 2022

  • Enabled sign-in with Microsoft account
  • New about and help page
  • Sign-in experience improvements
  • Localization fixes
  • Landing page optimizations and improvements
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause the macOS app to crash
  • You can now rate and review Sandtime.io right from the apps
  • Performance improvements and minor fixes

September 2022

  • Mobile and desktop app updates
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the app window to collapse into the void
  • Stability improvements
  • Account removal flow simplification
  • Translations improvements and app menu localization
  • Language switchers were added on various pages
  • Desktop app resource consumption reduction while it is in the background
  • Proper handling of commas and periods while entering time on timesheets
  • Performance improvements and minor fixes

August 2022

What’s new

  • Support for multiple locales
  • Each user can use the appropriate locale version

What’s fixed

  • In the email informing about the overlap of the two activities, the names of these activities were added
  • Fixed an issue where after setting the language version the desktop application would not remember this setting after restarting
  • The names of the default reports are already adapted to the selected locale

June 2022

What’s new

  • Custom goals via core hours
  • Sign in via shortcodes

What’s fixed

  • Chat view can now be properly closed
  • Onboarding animation should no longer play full-screen on iOS devices
  • Fixed formatting of ordinals on timesheets

June 2021

What’s new

  • Timesheet approvals
  • Requests can be approved and rejected with one-click action from email notifications
  • Email notifications may now contain images and attachments

What’s fixed

  • Inbox messages layout has been improved to aid readability
  • Timesheets were unlocked without a time limit in specific cases when auto-locking was enabled

May 2021

What’s new

  • User onboarding and setup assistant
  • Performance improvements when rendering activity lists and report rows
  • “Select only me” option on the report’s member selection
  • Sign in/sign up form is now right on the landing page
  • Sign up logs users in when they have already an active organization instead of creating a new one

What’s fixed

  • Navigating back preserves scroll position
  • Widgets layout rendering on Safari was improved
  • Fixed a black window being shown after closing the window in fullscreen mode on macOS
  • Changing the ended at date and time no longer influences the started at date and time

April 2021

What’s new

  • Sign in on mobile apps uses in-app web browser views
  • Mobile apps may now ask for a review from time to time
  • File menu on macOS now contains navigation items to specific views
  • Users are now redirected to their preferred or any other organization after being signed in, without having to select an organization first
  • Sign-in/sign-up flows behave as continue, instead of separate actions
  • Empty report rows are now filtered out by default (this can be switched off, existing reports are not affected)

What’s fixed

  • Sign-in/sign-up flows improvements for apps
  • Cookie consent simplification and improvements
  • Performance improvements on the dashboard page
  • Weekly and goal widgets are now always displayed, even if they are empty
  • Improved handling of optimistic pending changes rendering
  • Cross-day activities now display proper time ranges
  • 24-hour clocks should no longer display time above 24:00
  • Rates end date is now correctly set to the selected day’s end of the day
  • Daily reports should no longer collapse their groups

March 2021

What’s new

  • Sign-up is now greatly simplified
  • Subdomain can now be changed from within the organization settings
  • Roadmap page
  • New year-month-day grouping for reports to allow data be grouped day-by-day

What’s fixed

  • Back button is now always present, not only on mobile devices
  • App sign-in is now triggered automatically, without a need to click a button
  • Hardware back button is now handled on Android phones
  • File exports are now supported on mobile apps

February 2021

What’s new

  • iOS and Android apps
  • Unified Sandtime.io branding
  • Activity list on organization, projects, and project members pages
  • Activities can now be reassigned by administrators
  • Start tracking button on the sidebar on desktops and above the app bar on mobile
  • Rendered dates now include days of the week

What’s fixed

  • Performance improvements, especially when the app is in the background
  • Desktop app should reload itself after crashes
  • Downtime has been reduced during deployments
  • Loading and error views have been improved for the extension and apps
  • Buttons should no longer be occluded by the chat widget
  • Desktop app settings have been merged with other settings
  • Errors should not flicker when launching the app
  • Safe area insets are now respected to prevent notches and phone UI from obscuring the interface
  • Disabled fields are now focusable and selectable to allow copying

January 2021

What’s new

  • Sign in with Apple
  • Core hours can now be customized
  • Monthly goal reached notifications
  • Improved breadcrumbs design
  • Reports now support the “Up to today” range
  • Overhours are now rendered on the goals widgets
  • Project members list now supports the “Show archived” switch

What’s fixed

  • Empty states for projects now show helpful guides for both users and administrators
  • Notifications should now display dates using local time zone information
  • Rounding indicators should no longer shift layout on Safari
  • CPU usage when the app is in the background has been significantly reduced
  • Timesheet locking has been improved
  • Users can now browse other users' timesheets when they have access to the data

December 2020

What’s new

  • New app icon
  • Customizable notifications
  • Vary welcome message by user/admin role
  • Status badges for pending user invites
  • Store badges for desktop apps

What’s fixed

  • External pages now open in the browser when navigated to within the apps
  • Restart button is always visible, even for locked weeks
  • Improvements to the desktop apps
  • Automatic timesheets locking should behave more consistently

November 2020

What’s new

  • Nicer email templates
  • Desktop apps for Windows and macOS
  • Tray integration with timers for desktop apps
  • New and improved email notifications
  • Chat widgets
  • Common timesheets settings are now merged together
  • System tray integration for desktop apps
  • New notifications about upcoming timesheet locks

What’s fixed

  • Welcome message is now shown only on the first visit
  • 404 pages should no longer be displayed when removing items
  • Tab key handling improvements
  • Pending activities are now carried and displayed on reports
  • Improvements to installable web apps
  • Grammarly extension should no longer cause error popups to display

October 2020

What’s new

  • New text fields design
  • Timesheets export
  • Reports column hints
  • New button design
  • Long-running timer alerts
  • New grouping by year for reports
  • New cookie consent dialog
  • Generic notes for organization and projects

What’s fixed

  • Many performance optimizations
  • Improved error notifications when offline

September 2020

What’s new

  • Sandtime.io is out of Early Access!
  • Sandtime.io Chrome extension is now available
  • Reports tiles
  • Selected report tiles can now be pinned to the dashboard view
  • Activities can be shown on timesheets now
  • A new non-billable time metric has been added to reports

What’s fixed

  • Navigation should be more smooth now

August 2020

What’s new

  • Date, time, and duration format settings
  • The current day is now highlighted on timesheets

What’s fixed

  • Timesheets synchronization issues
  • Scrollable lists are now better indicated as such
  • Reports should no longer pull new projects and members automatically

July 2020

What’s new

  • Dedicated offer for nonprofits and NGOs
  • What’s new page
  • Billable time status
  • New menu and timer UI
  • FAQ page
  • New timer UI
  • Holidays settings

What’s fixed

  • HTML injection in emails
  • Incorrect email addresses should no longer be accepted

June 2020

What’s new

  • Reports rendering performance improvements
  • New email notifications
  • Timesheets browsing of other members for organization administrators
  • Timesheets auto-locking
  • Manual timesheets locking
  • Support for editing timesheets of other members for organization administrators

May 2020

What’s new

  • Performance optimizations
  • Cookie policy
  • Administration portal for self-hosted solutions
  • Google Chrome extension
  • Reduced CPU usage when the app is in the background
  • Asynchronous reports computation

April 2020

What’s new

  • Active members badge display
  • Error pages for broken connections
  • Sign up with Google
  • Landing page feature sections
  • Login state persistence when switching organizations
  • Project administrator membership change requests
  • Landing page content and accessibility improvements

March 2020

What’s new

  • Pending indicators for activities
  • Report renaming
  • Change notifications
  • Rounding indicators
  • Support for multiple errors display from form submission
  • Horizontal widgets on mobile
  • Expanded list of supported currencies

February 2020

What’s new

  • Reports improvements
  • Policies consent persistence
  • Public holidays exclusion from goal estimation
  • Time rounding
  • Reports dependent columns automatic rendering
  • PII filtering out of server logs

January 2020

What’s new

  • Backup retention policy
  • Reports UI improvements
  • Report fields aggregation
  • Report fields filtering
  • Demo avatars for projects and members
  • Demo data now aligns with the current date

December 2019

What’s new

  • User projects list
  • Report metrics adjustments
  • Organizations list when signing in
  • Timesheets project filters
  • Activity markers
  • Reports persistence

November 2019

What’s new

  • Localized date formats
  • Unassigned project handling
  • Email and in-app notifications improvements

October 2019

What’s new

  • Improved temporal rates
  • Temporal tax rates
  • Unsaved changes notifications
  • Custom reports improvements
  • Mobile layout improvements
  • Improved error messages

September 2019

What’s new

  • Rate timelines
  • Multi-currency reports
  • Stripped report styles
  • Error messages notifications
  • Improved email notification templates
  • Notification settings
  • Organization data export

August 2019

What’s new

  • Dedicated action sections for destructive actions like account removal
  • Fallbacks rendering for missing names
  • Member tags
  • Monospace fonts for report values
  • Multi-currency support
  • Temporal rates
  • Default currency support

July 2019

What’s new

  • Long-running activity notifications
  • Activity overlap notifications
  • Infinity scrolling for activity lists
  • Daily, weekly, monthly goal charts
  • Persistent timer stuck to the window
  • GDPR compliance improvements
  • Currency formatting

June 2019

What’s new

  • Email notifications
  • Extensive logging
  • Member archiving support
  • Avatar cropping
  • Settings view

May 2019

What’s new

  • SSO with Google Sign In support
  • Organization switcher
  • Live demo data
  • PII filtering out of analytics
  • Custom reports persistence

April 2019

What’s new

  • Improvements for mobile views
  • Avatar uploads
  • Chart widgets
  • Reports data export
  • Estimated expected work hours display
  • Reports date range picker
  • Members, projects, and organization avatars display
  • Custom reports
  • Report printing support

March 2019

What’s new

  • Date pickers for timesheets
  • Confirmation dialogs
  • Input validation
  • Backups
  • Activity lists
  • Pending states
  • Slack integration

February 2019

What’s new

  • Landing page
  • Subdomains
  • Reports
  • Demo

January 2019

What’s new

  • Basic time tracking
  • Timesheets
  • User roles
  • Member invites
  • Projects
  • In-app notifications